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성별 : 남성
나이 : 51
거주지 : 일본
日本人です 72年生まれです クリスマスから新年まで ソウルにいます 1人で行くので合流できる方募集です 10月にも行きましたが なかなか1人ではビールを飲むにも 席が取れなくて困り...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 57
거주지 : 대한민국
hello I am a jazz musician in Korea. Not popular just indie musicion. Nice to meet you. I want to make friends. 안녕하세요 서울에 사는 재즈뮤지션입니다. 만나서 반갑구요 좋은 친구로 만...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 58
거주지 : 대한민국
Hello, I m a man living in Korea. Sometimes I write an e mail to myself like I write a diary. There are things that everyone can t tell others easily. One day, I thought it would be nice to have a fri...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 53
거주지 : 독일
Hello, i am Japanese male who has interest in Korea as there are many simular words in korean and japanese, and also simular customs, habit, yet many differences. So it made me curious to know little ...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 52
거주지 : 대한민국
こんにちは 日本文化が興味があって日本語を勉強している会社員です 日本語の勉強の1年6ヶ月をしているが実力が上がらずにいます 会話は少しできますが まだです 日本への旅行は1...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 56
거주지 : 일본
Hello, Happy WorldI am Gui Xing. I am a landlord from Osaka, Japan. I speak English and Japanese. I like to meet people in Asia and talk. I have ,WhatsApp, Instagram, and .I have passed following exam...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 54
거주지 : 터키
Hello. I m curious about new languages ​​and different cultures. I especially want to learn about Japanese and Korean culture. my interests are creative art, natura and musi...