during lunchtime
2017/12/13 13:24:13
2017/12/23 12:36:30
My lunch was a kebab near my school:)It was yummy,though expensive:(I often eat it probably once a week.It's popular among the students!
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Total comment(s) :8
Cost of kebab served with bread is about $4 in Turkey. Also, costs of kebabs served on plates are more expensive. About between $6 and $12 here.
e1453 | 21,Dec 2017
Ah,4 dollars!
12 dollars?!That's very expensive!
a1033 | 23,Dec 2017
So yummy! I wanna this one!kebab (゜ρ゜)
btssum41 | 15,Dec 2017
Here's a plenty of vegetables:)and of course chicken!
a1033 | 17,Dec 2017
ありがとう! :) え、本当? それはよかった!! ^-^
I've heard the first time that it is sold so expensive! :O
e1453 | 15,Dec 2017
How much does it cost in Turkey?
a1033 | 17,Dec 2017
それは美味しそう。:3 I didn't know that kebab is popular in Japan among the students! :) I like it and I was proud of it, cause, do you know kebab is a traditional meal of the Turks?
Is kebab expensive? :O How many dollars is kebab in Japan?
e1453 | 13,Dec 2017
nice japanese:) yeah,i knew! the clues are turkish people and i always talk to them friendly! in case of my favorite place to eat it,it's 6 dollars!:O
a1033 | 15,Dec 2017