Romeo fan meeting
2016/08/03 17:12:17
2016/08/03 17:39:50
yi jaein
You know a group called 'Romeo'?
They are Korea boy group.
l like that group
This photo is take Romeo's mini fan meeting
They gave the drinks to the fans in the fan meeting.
Beverage front is attached 'Romeo'.
Back is attached 'not go home'.

I want to be a friend☺️
Thank you for reading post.~
Total comment(s) :2
waah, did you go to the fan meeting? so cool!^^
xshesjasmine | 03,Aug 2016
가입 후 일정기간은 댓글을 작성하실 수 없습니다.
Yes~~so nice~
They are handsome❤️
Romeo staff has stand a line of seven fans. And one member gave this beverage in one line. So I saw up close.
yi jaein | 03,Aug 2016