B.A.P - 어디니? 뭐하니? M/V
03,Jun 2014 01:40 PM
26,Jun 2014 10:43 AM
B.A.P 4th single Album [어디니? 뭐하니?]

They're all so cute and happy in this m/v ^__^ I love it~
Total comment(s) :12
Every time I watch this, it makes me happy.
cswagics | 26,Jun 2014
nice songs and a fun clip :)
ellaaa | 19,Jun 2014
yuzu762 | 18,Jun 2014
정말 좋아요~>^
tkdh | 15,Jun 2014
hee2867 | 15,Jun 2014
ayu0099 | 14,Jun 2014
very very swet
aliee | 10,Jun 2014
nana-pop | 06,Jun 2014
가입 후 일정기간은 댓글을 작성하실 수 없습니다.
very sweet(*´ч`*)
SMCUBE | 05,Jun 2014
Me too i love it ^^
Gül-J | 05,Jun 2014
ı love its too :) really that style suit them and clip very good :)
hatic | 04,Jun 2014
cute clip)
owlsoul | 03,Jun 2014