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Open Penpal Search

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성별 : 여성
나이 : 43
거주지 : 일본
Bonjour tous je m’appelle Meg Je travaille dans la p tisserie. j’aime beaucoup la France et votre culture et j’apprends le fran ais depuis longtemps. j’ai v cu Paris avant. C’est le fran ais est tr s ...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 41
거주지 : 대한민국
한국인 남자는 이유불문하고 무조건 수신거부 합니다こんにちは 東京で2年ぐらい住みました それで少し日本語を話せますよ 友達を探してます 男の人女の人誰もいいですよ いつもメ...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 47
거주지 : 알제리아
Hello, Hi, I m Mohammed 46 y old ,a teacher of Mathematics. I m so interested in learning about others cultures through learning different languages. I am looking for a language exchange partner to s...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 44
거주지 : 일본
I’ve studied English. I am a nurse and mother of one child. I am interested in space and often visit JAXA in Japan. I would like to visit NASA or the Kennedy Space Center someday. In addition, I like ...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 42
거주지 : 폴란드
Hello. I m from Poland. I would like to talk to the people from other countries preferably people who are around my age or a bit older ,learn about foreign cultures and make friends if possible .I m...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 45
거주지 : 대한민국
Hello I want to make friends and many have joined this site Let s start filing out My name is jeonsuho Born in 1979 and hobbies mountain biking hiking stamp collecting coin collecting is And were marr...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 43
거주지 : 대한민국
Hello I d like to get a mail friend. Foreign friends who want to learn Korean, Welcome to those who want to learn Korean culture. I m also thinking about life around the world, culture, and thoughts I...