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🚕일본택시요금 한글검색🚕
일본 택시요금을 길이 막힐 때, 안 막힐 때, 심야요금 한글로 검색!

Total members : 623267

성별 : 남성
나이 : 27
거주지 : 대한민국
Hi, EveryoneI m South Korean, I can speak English as a native and I want to learn Japanese, or other languages If it is possible. As a English Tutor, I really know how important to learn many kinds of...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 43
거주지 : 일본
HelloI m 43years old female living in Tokyo, Japan. I m looking for snail mail friends from around the world who are interested in exchanging handwritten letters and small gifts. I don t mind your nat...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 33
거주지 : 일본
こんにちは. ‪. 3人の子供がいて 輸入子供服を経営してます 韓国語は独学なので 下手なので教えて欲しいです. ‪. 買い付けにも行けたらいいなと 思ってるので色 教えて欲しいです. ...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 52
거주지 : 미국
Hi. I m planning to visit Korea in the future and I m currently learning the language. If anyone is interested in practicing English, or can assist with my Korean learning that would be greatI m very ...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 39
거주지 : 일본
안녕하세요 저는 한국이 너무 좋아요. 한국어를 독학으로 공부하고 있습니다. 한글은 읽을 수 있지만 회화가 아직 어렵습니다 長く付き合っていける友達が欲しいです 時間がある時は韓...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 45
거주지 : 터키
Hi, I am from Turkey. I like meeting new people and getting to know different cultures. I love hiking, trekking and extreme sports. I want to improve on English and Korea...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 47
거주지 : 일본
Hi, l am interested in other countries and people thereWhy don t we having a good time talking about anything we want Life, food, hobbies, dramas. and so onI like traveling, staying at hotel, reading,...