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Open Penpal Search

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성별 : 남성
나이 : 22
거주지 : 오스트레일리아
HiMy name is Oliver and I am looking to have some nice conversations with people around the world. I would like to talk to and befriend people from East Asia as I would love to travel there in the fut...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 34
거주지 : 일본
Hello, I am farmer from Japan. I used to work in restaurant then become interested farming to produce safe food. Now I study English because I will move to Australia. My hobby is aroma massage and lis...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 36
거주지 : 대한민국
はじめまして 私の名前はイスンフと申します 韓国人で ソウルに住んでいます 日本の友達を付き合いたいです 日本文化と日本人の生活が気になります 日本語と英語で少し話ができます...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 29
거주지 : 일본
初めまして 日本生まれ日本育ちの在日韓国人です 特殊な仕事をしていて友達がいません 多くの人と話すのは得意じゃありません ゆっくり本を読んだり 静かに景色を眺めたりするの...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 29
거주지 : 대한민국
HI THEREI m a korean and live in korea I just want to have a genuine friend I m not good at speaking english but i ve been learning this I don t think that it is a problem to be friends so please mail...
성별 : 여성
나이 : 39
거주지 : 일본
안녕하세요. 初めまして 日本在住の39歳女性です 最近韓国文化やK POPに興味を持ち 韓国語を学び始めました まだまだ韓国語は下手ですが 韓国人の方と友達になりたいです 年齢は問い...
성별 : 남성
나이 : 47
거주지 : 대한민국
living in south korea. love to listen music during driving a car. do like to eat junk foods and snacks. learned in english long time ago so be generous my wrong expression. good to have a friend who c...